Relapse date 4 years ago
On May 22, 2019 by Michelle LoveMay 22, 2015…the day that knocked all of us off our feet. I will never forget the screams in the car after we left the clinic and that phone call came as we were headed home. I will never forget the look in his eyes or the pounding of his fist into the seat between Read More
Gift of Life: Blood
On March 28, 2017 by Michelle LoveFor cancer patients, blood products are a key to survival. When initially diagnosed with leukemia in September 2012, BJ’s first treatment was a blood transfusion. Over the next 3 1/2 years, just at Levine Children’s Hospital, he received 85 units of platelets, and 68 units of red blood cells. We are truly grateful for the Read More
BJ has a request for you all.
On December 10, 2015 by Michelle LoveEncouragement from a co-worker
On November 11, 2015 by Michelle LoveThe below is part of a text I received this morning from a co-worker. I am so incredibly blessed to have people like this in my life. Throughout the past 3 years, my Medic co-workers have been a great source of strength and support. I hope this encourages someone else today too… Sometimes, even as Read More
Strength and Faith
On June 8, 2015 by Michelle LoveMy son. He just confounds me sometimes. He’s seen me having a really hard time with all of this, even though I try my best to hide it. We were just talking, and he said that he hadn’t researched all of this like I had, so it wasn’t bothering him as much. He seemed so calm Read More
Complete trust in God
On May 25, 2015 by Michelle LoveLong day….BJ’s back is sore from the lumbar puncture/IT chemo and bone marrow aspiration today. His best friend Matthew, who is really more like a brother, spent the afternoon with him here in the hospital. It was the best medicine. We’re exhausted, but in decent spirits. After listening to the doctor explain the new game Read More

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