Flattened tubes of toothpaste and opened bags of Twizzlers
On September 6, 2019 by Michelle LoveCool title, huh? Not really. Do flattened tubes of toothpaste and opened bags of those nasty red Twizzlers have anything in common? Well, yes. Yes, they do. They are remnants of a life once lived. They are unassuming treasures for the ones still here. They are definitely not trash-can worthy, even though to anyone else, Read More
6 month cycles
On November 27, 2017 by Michelle LoveTwo years since this photo was taken….so hard to believe.  The hardest time of the year for me is September through March, then I spend the next 6 months recovering, just to go back into the same cycle. So many especially ‘crapaversaries’ (as another angel-mom friend puts it) happen during these 6 months. BJ’s Read More
Football goes gold for cancer awareness by Brianna Crane, Denver Weekly
On September 1, 2017 by Michelle LoveDENVER – On Sept. 1 the North Lincoln High School cheerleaders will wave gold pompoms and the Knights football players will sport gold socks as they take on Fred T. Foard under the lights. The gold socks and pompoms will be provided by the Stand Firm Warrior Foundation – a nonprofit organization aimed to bring Read More
9 months
On December 6, 2016 by Michelle LoveOh BJ. My sweet boy. My first child and my first glimpse of understanding just how much God must love us. I cannot believe it has been 9 months since you left us. This day is one I knew would hit me harder than usual. You’ve been gone now for as long as I carried Read More
Constant Nausea – Sunday, January 3, 2016
On January 3, 2016 by Michelle LoveSunday, January 3, 2016…45 days in the hospital What a rough night and day. BJ was extremely nauseated and vomited several times through the night and day today. He is really over all of this. The constant nausea, day after day, is overwhelming. When the Pediatric Surgeons came to check on him this morning, they Read More
BJ’s Fight, Our Fight….video by DreamOn3
On December 13, 2015 by Michelle Lovehttps://youtu.be/BnIPiVYSaKs BJ’s Fight…OUR FIGHT, from Dream on 3 Read More
On August 24, 2015 by Michelle LoveCarly’s first day of 5th grade at a new school because of rezoning. She had a great first day and made a new friend! This should have been BJ’s first day at high school. Instead, he’s still in the hospital where he’s spent most of his summer. I am at both ends of the emotional Read More
Methotrexate Toxicity
On July 9, 2015 by Michelle LoveAfter being admitted yesterday, BJ had an EEG showing no seizure activity. They came and got us at 2am this morning for his MRI, which showed the methotrexate toxicity that they had expected. By this morning, he woke up feeling much better than yesterday, and the weakness had resolved. His headache is gone, and I think Read More
Car Naps :)
On July 8, 2015 by Michelle LoveRough night, early morning and these 2 slept on the way to the clinic this morning. I called in yesterday and the doctor wanted to see BJ today based on his extended severe headache and being so tired. He’s been getting fluids this morning and when his lab work came back, all of his blood counts Read More
Can you help me shave my hair?
On June 13, 2015 by Michelle LoveBJ left me a note on the doorframe of his room Thursday night. Friday morning, when I went to wake him up, I found the note, and then quietly went back to my room to cry. Hair is such a trivial thing in the grand scheme of things, but it’s also a normality, one that at some Read More

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