Day 22 of 29 days of Induction
On October 5, 2012 by Michelle LoveWe’ve been at the hospital all day, and going to stay another night. It’s not the news we wanted to hear, but they wanted to keep BJ because his ANC had went down from yesterday. He hasn’t had any more fevers since yesterday morning; and after 24 hours, the culture shows no infection. They’ll keep checking Read More
Day 17 of 29 day Induction Phase
On September 30, 2012 by Michelle LoveSo Friday was a horrific day. We finally left the hospital at 10pm….after 11 1/2 hours at the hospital, and what I had expected would be a 2 hour appointment. BJ slept most of the time we were there. He slept while he was getting the 2 units of blood. He slept most of the day Read More
Day 15 of 29 days of Induction – REALLY rough day
On September 28, 2012 by Michelle LoveThis has been a *really* rough day. BJ woke up extremely dizzy and clammy, and very pale. His blood sugar was very low, so we spent 2 hours trying to get it to come back up. I gave him orange juice, a peanut butter and banana sandwich, a couple pieces of candy, and pineapple juice. Read More
Day 3 of 29 day Induction Phase
On September 16, 2012 by Michelle LoveIt’s Sunday, and there are no procedures scheduled. BJ gets to rest. His spirits were lifted when his friends, Hunter, Matthew, Wyatt, and Alex (several of his football teammates) came to visit. They dedicated yesterday’s game to BJ, and videotaped it, with a special message. Both teams gathered together to pray before the game. BJ’s team (Boger City Read More
Day 2 of 29 day Induction Phase – Surgery for Port Placement
On September 16, 2012 by Michelle LoveBJ is getting an IV port surgically put into his chest today. It will be the site where they access his veins for drawing labs and transfusing the chemo drugs. He is scared. He’s never had any kind of surgery before and this port is supposed to stay in his chest for 3 years….as long Read More

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