Pet Therapy with Sadie Mae – Wednesday, January 13, 2016
On January 14, 2016 by Michelle LoveWednesday, January 13, 2016…55 days in the hospital Your prayers are really working. BJ has dramatically improved since last week. He isn’t on oxygen. His breath sounds are improved in both lungs. His heart rate is more normal for him. His respiratory rate is normal. They actually took him completely off the monitors. He is Read More
Constant Nausea – Sunday, January 3, 2016
On January 3, 2016 by Michelle LoveSunday, January 3, 2016…45 days in the hospital What a rough night and day. BJ was extremely nauseated and vomited several times through the night and day today. He is really over all of this. The constant nausea, day after day, is overwhelming. When the Pediatric Surgeons came to check on him this morning, they Read More
A visit with Charlie Brown – Friday, January 1, 2016
On January 2, 2016 by Michelle LoveFriday, January 1, 2016…43 days in the hospital Not a great day. Late last night and again early this morning, BJ was nauseated and vomited. He felt rough all day, and didn’t get up at all. His total bilirubin is slightly down from yesterday, to 2.6. He needed a platelet transfusion today. His hemoglobin got a Read More
Wednesday (Day 34 post CART cell infusion…20th day in the hospital)
On December 9, 2015 by Michelle LoveWednesday (Day 34 post CART cell infusion…20th day in the hospital) BJ was moved to Levine Children’s Hospital in Charlotte today. His white blood cell count was 115k this morning at Duke. By the time that we arrived at Levine, it had risen to 150k. He was started on steroids to decrease his WBC so Read More
What do you do
On December 5, 2015 by Michelle LoveWhat do you do … …when your son, with shaky, trembling hands, writes a question on his white board… Is everything ok? …when he looks deep into your eyes, knowing that you’re not telling the truth, so he writes… Are you sure? …when he reaches out both arms, as steady as he can, wanting your Read More
No One Fights Alone
On October 22, 2015 by Michelle LoveBJ developed a fever of 101.5 last night, and was directly admitted to the hospital. We got here about 12:30 this morning. He didn’t sleep much after that, but he is sleeping now. His doctor thinks that this fever is due to how his body is processing the killing of leukemia cells, instead of being Read More
The struggle within
On October 13, 2015 by Michelle LoveHe doesn’t get me. At all. Not many people do. Sometimes I wish he could crawl into my brain and hear the things that I say to him. Things that I wish he knew, but that I just can’t put into words. Things I can’t hear myself say out loud. Instead, we clash. Over and Read More
Beautiful Carly
On October 8, 2015 by Michelle LoveMy beautiful 10 year old daughter, with her heart of pure gold, generous to a fault, kind to all, with a desire to “do something” to make a difference in someone’s life… When BJ was diagnosed with leukemia 3 years ago, Carly was just 7 years old. She really wanted to do something to help Read More
Tracks of a different kind
On September 16, 2015 by Michelle LoveBJ’s arms today…. #CureForBJRound2 #pheresis Read More
What is it they say? The best-laid plans…often go awry
On September 7, 2015 by Michelle LoveBJ would’ve still been in the hospital if things had worked out as planned. Thursday we went to the clinic to get his blood drawn for labs and then over to the hospital for a spinal tap with intrathecal Ara-C and a bone marrow aspiration. As usual, BJ fights the sedative and the sedative always Read More

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