Flattened tubes of toothpaste and opened bags of Twizzlers
On September 6, 2019 by Michelle LoveCool title, huh? Not really. Do flattened tubes of toothpaste and opened bags of those nasty red Twizzlers have anything in common? Well, yes. Yes, they do. They are remnants of a life once lived. They are unassuming treasures for the ones still here. They are definitely not trash-can worthy, even though to anyone else, Read More
6 month cycles
On November 27, 2017 by Michelle LoveTwo years since this photo was taken….so hard to believe. The hardest time of the year for me is September through March, then I spend the next 6 months recovering, just to go back into the same cycle. So many especially ‘crapaversaries’ (as another angel-mom friend puts it) happen during these 6 months. BJ’s Read More
It was a simple question, right?
On October 24, 2017 by Michelle LoveI was notified by Leslie, the Editor at Lake Norman Woman Magazine, that my charity was selected to be included in their Charity Issue this December, 2017. I’ve been a contributing writer for the magazine for just over a year now. I’m very aware of the process of selection for articles in the other months Read More
Lincoln Times-News article ….by Michelle Bernard
On September 27, 2017 by Michelle LoveI spent an hour of Michelle Bernard’s time on the phone on Monday, Sept. 25. I told her most of our story, crying through most of the hour’s discussion. I felt like she understood the hell that we went through, that BJ went through – at least some of it. She really did a great Read More
5-years since diagnosis
On September 13, 2017 by Michelle Love5 years ago today, I was told that my child had cancer… The *most curable* type of childhood cancer – Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Immediately after being admitted to the hospital, he received his first blood transfusion. If you’ve never witnessed the change in a person with a desperate need for blood, I Read More
18 months and the war continues
On September 7, 2017 by Michelle LoveBJ left us 18 months ago. I really never thought that I would have had to be here without him for this long. (Read whatever you want into that.) It’s been hell. There have been some good days sprinkled in over the past 18 months, but this grief overshadows everything. I’ve been happy at times, Read More
The Gap by Michael Crenlinsten
On September 6, 2017 by Michelle LoveThe gap between those who have lost children and those who have not is profoundly difficult to bridge. No one, whose children are well and intact, can be expected to understand what parents who have lost children have absorbed, what they bear. Our child now comes to us through every blade of grass, every crack in the sidewalk, every bowl of breakfast cereal, every kid on Read More
Football goes gold for cancer awareness by Brianna Crane, Denver Weekly
On September 1, 2017 by Michelle LoveDENVER – On Sept. 1 the North Lincoln High School cheerleaders will wave gold pompoms and the Knights football players will sport gold socks as they take on Fred T. Foard under the lights. The gold socks and pompoms will be provided by the Stand Firm Warrior Foundation – a nonprofit organization aimed to bring Read More
Another Sunday
On August 20, 2017 by Michelle LoveDidn’t sleep well again. Finally gave into the restlessness and opened my eyes to see 4am, yet again. Xanax couldn’t even keep my mind quiet last night. As usual, I read from my phone until my eyes are too heavy to stay open. As the time ticked by, the torture going on in my own Read More
Kinder mourn
On July 20, 2017 by Michelle LoveMany people have offered their advice over the past few years. Much of that advice was suggestions to see a grief counselor. I’m not against I had an appointment today at Kinder-mourn. The appointment was made out of shear desperation. Days on end of churning at the bottom of an ocean of grief after a Read More

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