Flattened tubes of toothpaste and opened bags of Twizzlers
On September 6, 2019 by Michelle LoveCool title, huh? Not really. Do flattened tubes of toothpaste and opened bags of those nasty red Twizzlers have anything in common? Well, yes. Yes, they do. They are remnants of a life once lived. They are unassuming treasures for the ones still here. They are definitely not trash-can worthy, even though to anyone else, Read More
Relapse date 4 years ago
On May 22, 2019 by Michelle LoveMay 22, 2015…the day that knocked all of us off our feet. I will never forget the screams in the car after we left the clinic and that phone call came as we were headed home. I will never forget the look in his eyes or the pounding of his fist into the seat between Read More
This is us
On March 28, 2019 by Michelle LoveThis March 29th marks my 47th trip around the sun. I’ve noticed recently that something inside me has shifted. I feel different – lighter, more free. I’ve spent the last several weeks cleaning and organizing every room in the house, including the attic and the shed. Even BJ’s room. I actually started the clean up Read More
Happy 18th birthday BJ…in Heaven
On March 4, 2019 by Michelle Love18 years ago today, on March 4, 2001 you changed my life. When they placed you on my chest and you looked deep into my eyes, you stole my breath and captured my heart. Because in that very moment, I suddenly knew exactly what unconditional love was. I felt it from you as I gazed Read More
Happy 14th Birthday Carly!
On November 19, 2018 by Michelle LoveHappiest of birthdays to my larger-than-life bucket of sunshine. Happy 14th birthday to the girl who has endured more than most people will in their lifetime…and who’s resume’ is already more impressive than mine ever was. She’s the Student Council President, record-breaking discus-thrower, small-business owner, volunteers for the Hesed House and our own foundation, she’s Read More
Did this really happen?!
On November 17, 2018 by Michelle LoveI wrote this 3 years ago today. Seems so surreal. *******While not mentally alert, BJ realizes it, and it upsets him. He can take the physical pain, but when it extends to his mind, that just reaches too far. What breaks my heart is when he looks at me through tears and reaches out his Read More
Reflection in the lobby
On November 10, 2018 by Michelle LoveSitting here reflecting this morning while Carly is in her Teen Advisory Council meeting at Levine Children’s Hospital …. I wonder how many kids have walked through here and didn’t walk out. If I close my eyes, I can see BJ and Carly walking in front of me, Carly pushing BJ’s IV pole… Today is Read More
Duke memories
On November 2, 2018 by Michelle LoveFrom this day, November 2, 2015…we had been at Duke for several days with BJ being on the CART-19 clinical trial. We were staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Durham until his body started reacting to the treatment and he was admitted. It was some of the worst days and there were some very Read More
8th Grade
On October 16, 2018 by Michelle Love8th grade school photos 🎗️❤️💔 I see so much of him in her… his fierceness, loving and caring heart, thoughtfulness…so much more. She is doing so many things, and I know he would be so proud of her. This is the last year that I can compare their school photos. 🎗️💔 I wish there were more. #BJStrong #ILoveYouMoreThanAnything#8thGrade#ChildhoodCancer #ChildhoodLeukemia #ChildhoodCancerAwareness#GoldStrong #GiveBlood #StandFirmWarrior #SFWF #StepIntoMyShoes Read More
Christmas for a kid with cancer
On December 27, 2017 by Michelle LoveDec 27, 2013…BJ, 12 years old, had to arrive very early at Levine Children’s Hospital to have surgery. His original port-a-cath had developed a sheath over the end of the line, and it had to be replaced. He was just over a year into treatment at this point and had already been through hell and Read More

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