I love you, I love you, I love you; That’s All I Want To Say (Part 2)
On October 8, 2019 by Michelle LoveContinued from Part I…Friday, September 20.
After our morning check-in was complete, and everyone dried their tears, we started in on the day’s agenda. That afternoon we went into our small groups to start the first of students giving and receiving a BT Session so the teachers could evaluate our work, correcting any bad habits and answering any questions we had. Our teacher asked who would like to receive, and I volunteered, still feeling heavy from the morning and feeling like I just wanted to get all of the heavy emotional things out of the way. I had stopped myself from the gushing outward release of emotion so that I would be present for whatever was going on in class, expecting to give myself that time to release later. BT usually envokes a pretty powerful response for me, especially in a group setting like this, so I figured that if that was going to happen, it would be a good day for it.
The only other man in our class — Gordon — was chosen to give the session. As he began to work off of my left sacral area, he kept saying that he was being distracted by the messages he was getting. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to speak them out loud, or not. It wasn’t anything that he had encountered prior to this session. The teacher guided him to just continue working in the field — however, I was very curious. When the session was finished and we all took a short break, he walked over to me and said that when he was adjusting my sun star energy, he saw the brightest light, and felt that there was a choir of angels above my head. He seemed overwhelmed and reflective of what he had experienced. I thanked him for letting me know and agreed that it was a pretty special vision. The day continued on with two more sessions of student giving/receiving with teachers evaluating our work.
When class was over for the day, I left quickly. All day I had felt like I was holding back a dam — with an ocean-full of tears behind it and just needed some space. I walked back to my Airbnb and sat down for a while, just thinking about the magnitude of the day. Deciding I wanted some sushi, I found a place that was a few blocks away and started walking up the street. Along Main Street, I saw John was walking the opposite way. He saw me, we both stopped, hugged, and he asked where I was going. I told him I was going for sushi, and he came along.
We sat and talked, getting to know more about each other. I asked him what…how…was all that this morning?? “You said a messenger came to you…?” He said, “yeah…that was BJ. I didn’t want to say that it was BJ, because I didn’t want to single you out or make you feel uncomfortable.” He said that he had spent Thursday night walking in circles around the city, not able to sleep because BJ had come to him and asked him to deliver this message to me. John was having a hard time thinking of how he would gently deliver his message. BJ was the one who gave John the song. He looked it up, found the lyrics, not knowing the song. John told BJ he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get through it emotionally…it would be too difficult. BJ suggested John ask everyone to sing the song. John thought that just might work. BJ told John to do it during check-in the next day. He said it had to be that day.
With this new information, I was completely overwhelmed with love and gratitude. I felt a stronger connection with BJ and had a sense that he really didn’t seem so far away.
I told John why the message of love from BJ was so timely for me. My mom had passed away a year ago on that day, and not really feeling much love from her, the love from BJ was covering my wounds. I had also had my very first intuitive reading a month ago. That came with its own struggles that I won’t get into here, but being brought up in the Baptist religion, you are taught to stay away from things like that.
The reading was very interesting and gave me some insights I hadn’t had. But there was one thing missing, and it was HUGE for me. I didn’t feel the love come through that I had expected to feel. If there was one thing that was solidly identifying about BJ and me, it was the love that exuded between us. I even confided to a couple of close friends about that, wondering if that was normal, or if something was just ‘off’ that day.
John now understood why BJ insisted his message be delivered to me that morning.
…continued in Part 3.

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