3 Years.
On March 11, 2019 by Michelle LoveThree years ago today, we gathered to celebrate your life. I don’t remember much about that day, except that I decided that morning I would gather every bit of courage I had and speak to the hundreds of friends that came to honor you. I remember following the Medic ambulance escorting us back to Lincoln County from Huntersville, and along the way seeing a few people who had stopped on the side of the road. They were saluting you as they stood outside their vehicles. I stared as we passed on the opposite side of the road, in awe that my son had earned so much respect from strangers. I remember seeing the sign about you and the orange balloons at Lori Swink’s hair salon across the street from the cemetery. It’s all so surreal. Sometimes I even wonder if it all really happened. It just seems like such a nightmare. But then again, you’re not here…your room is void of the blue-eyed boy and his never ending laundry pile. The three of us lived through that nightmare, and now Carly and I continue to exist inside it. Keep sending us signs, dear boy. We love you beyond the span of time and space. Love never fails… Love is all that matters. ❤️

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