Closing up boxes
On July 15, 2017 by Michelle Love
This is just another real perspective of childhood cancer: 43 months of color-coded calendars that helped me keep track of BJ’s medicines, clinic appointments, chemo infusion schedule, lumbar punctures with injected chemo, bone marrow aspirations, shots and tests.
2 boxes packed full of insurance EOBs, hospital bills, faculty physician bills, hospice bills, anesthesiologist bills, pediatric surgeon bills, collection notices, prescription documents.
A third box full of results from every lab work done on my son, every yellow ticket from every visit, and every discharge packet we ever received.
All are finally being packed away after last week’s 40% medical bill reimbursement court hearing.
One weight off my shoulders after all this time, and it will help emotionally to finally not see all of these overwhelming stacks of paperwork looming over me everyday.
Now I can focus on paying off BJ’s funeral services, the last of the extra weight somehow entirely on my shoulders.
I love you and miss you BJ….so so very much, and ‘more than anything.’
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