Childhood Cancer . Childhood Leukemia
Update on BJ today, Sunday, December 13, 2015…24th day in the hospital
On December 14, 2015 by Michelle LoveUpdate on BJ today, Sunday, December 13, 2015…24th day in the hospital.
I truly believe we are witnessing a miracle here. BJ continues to improve each day! Two days ago, his kidneys were functioning at 50-60%. Today, his kidney function is back to normal. Even after a dramatic drop in his white count, with the death of over 150k cells, the toxic chemicals released did not affect his kidneys! His liver functioning has improved as well. His electrolytes are now stable. He is off supplemental oxygen during the day, and only on 1 liter while he is sleeping. Several drugs he was on are now discontinued because he just doesn’t need them. His white count this morning was down to 1.4k, which just brings happy tears to our eyes. Now we need the blast percentage to also drop down to nothing. This morning, 93% of the 1.4k white cells were leukemia. Out of 1400 white cells, 1302 are leukemia. He received 2 units of blood today, and a unit of platelets. He continues to get the Clofarabine chemo infusion and last night, Mitoxantrone was also started. Before Mitoxantrone, Zinecard is given to protect his heart. His Clofarabine infusion just finished for tonight, and he will get the last dose of this again tomorrow. The Mitoxantrone infusion will start up in about 3 hours, and he will get it for 2 more days. He has had a lot of nausea off and on all day and night. The neuropathy in his feet is probably his biggest issue, next to the pain in his hip.
He put on his Thomas Davis #58 jersey and tried to watch the undefeated Panthers play against the Falcons today, but he fell asleep about halfway through. He is just so tired. His morphine was increased today to better cover the pain in his hip. He is so glad that he will never have another bone marrow aspiration by a doctor at Duke. Two weeks later, he still needs morphine to tolerate the pain, and it still looks horrendous.
Someone dropped off a Navy backpack today to the nurses desk. It was filled with goodies. To whoever that was, thank you very much. We appreciate your selfless generosity. The socks are way cool.
He also was handed a huge envelope full of handmade Christmas and Get Well cards by the students at North Lincoln Middle School. We are so blessed by the amount of support and love we get from NLMS! Thank you all so much for your encouragements, thoughts and prayers.
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